Acuralle (“A cure for all”) helps everything from cradle cap to stretch marks. It’s an organic skincare must-have, mamas!
We’re always on the lookout for great natural skincare products for babies – with that supersoft, sensitive skin, we only want the best natural ingredients for our bubs! And if they save us time and money by being great for mamas, too? All the better!
New on the scene is Acuralle, a natural skincare and wellness brand aiming to improve well-being through nourishing, gentle remedies cultivated from nature. With just five core products and a clever brand name (A cure for ALL!), Acuralle’s high-quality ingredients make it a must-have for everyone in the fam, including babies.
You will definitely want to add their Pure Aloe Vera Gel to your medicine cabinet, mama: certified organic and made in Australia from 98% pure aloe vera, it can do everything from soothe diaper rash and sore nipples, to relieve sunburn (it’s a natural UV protector!) and reduce stretch marks.
Acuralle’s Aloe Vera is free of nasties – including parabens, pthalate, alcohol, and fragrance – and is certified organic by the Chemical Free Farmers Association. It’s also well-priced (starting at under $5 for a 10ml tube!) and doesn’t leave any sticky residue.
When we say Acuralle will have your fam covered from head to toe, we’re not kidding! Their organic Argan Oil is a wonder for relieving baby maladies like cradle cap and eczema, and it can also help mamas reduce wrinkles, dark circles, and eyebags (all tell-tale sales of motherhood, right?). Just like the Aloe Vera, Acuralle’s Argan Oil is paraben-free and phthalate-free; it even comes stored in Miron violet glass bottles, which offer optimal protection from the aging process and help to extend shelf life! The product is manufactured in Morocco, and helps provide vital income to undeprivileged women and their families.
Find Acuralle at or at Arch Angel (#03-12 Wheelock Place and 16 Purvis Street #01-01). Free shipping for limited time now.
Acuralle,,, @acuralleofficial
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